Wally and I are not “stay at home” people. Our work takes us far and wide, roaming free, meeting folk, and often on the mainland as well as on Arran. Consequently, the garden is in a terrible state, and so it seemed appropriate that on day one of Lockdown UK, we should tackle the jungle and start to take control of the things that we do have some influence over. The lawn was strimmed enthusiastically, brambles bashed, a wee bonfire lit, and I picked nettles for a lunchtime soup.
Daffodils in the lawn have survived being swamped by long grass for more than one season. They also just about survived my strimming!
Nettle soup is delicious and nutritious. Use gloves to pick them, obviously. The young growing tips are best so this is the perfect time of year. Today I made a soup with spices, root veg and some brown lentils and chucked the nettles in towards the end before blending for a warming and hearty bowl. Honestly, I did get stung a bit when sorting and washing the nettles, but it was worth it!
We hope that you and yours are safe and well and enjoying a little time to refocus. If you are a key worker, keeping this country going in our time of great need, we thank you 🙏.